It took nearly 3 years for the Allies to finally force Italy and Germany out of North Africa. When the Allied forces met in Tunisia, they had killed more than 40,000 Axis soldiers, destroyed 8,000 aircraft, and captured more than 430,000 soldiers, preventing them from returning to Europe. Germany had to supply and support an army of 500,000, which took some pressure off the Soviet Union, who were facing nearly 4 million German invaders.

By the time my father arrived in Oran, the Battle for North Africa was largely over. The goal had been to push the Axis forces out of North Africa, take control of the Mediterranean Sea, and prepare for the invasion of Southern Europe. In this third part of The Woodard Boys Go To World War II, my Father discusses his experiences in North Africa and the preparations for the coming invasion of Italy. One of his nighest priorities was reuniting with the 3rd Woodard, H.L. who was fighting with the 36th Division in Italy. — Harrison Woodard

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