The Sacred Feast

Sermon Notes of Reverend Harvey Alford Matney
(1868 – 1951)
February 21, 1931 – Lexington, Texas


This do in REMEMBRANCE OF ME. Reminding ourselves WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST. As Paul would explain later, Believers in the present Age of Grace are Made Alive In Christ, and Seated in Heavenly Places In Christ Jesus. Not because of anything they did, or could ever do, but because of what Jesus accomplished, and God’s Favor! (Ephesians 2:1-10)
Like the fallen world, we once were far away from God, spiritually dead and without Him. Now, we are brought near, placed in the Body of Christ as He wills, because of the blood of Jesus. (Ephesians 2:11-13)
We are reminded of this Truth every time we partake of the bread and the cup, not as a religious ceremony, but by faith, confirming and Believing His Word to His Body.
Jesus will return and the world should take note. For the Believer however, one who has been raised to new life with Christ, we eagerly expect it and rejoice, because when He is revealed to the whole world, we will share in all His glory. (Colossians 3:1-4)

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