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Matney Woodard

Christian Stories for Kids, Songs, and Sermons

Angels Announce The Birth Of Jesus

Luke – The Great Historian

Luke, an outstanding historian, provides the most complete overview of the events surrounding Jesus’ birth. It is very likely that he interviewed Mary, and some of the shepherds who had witnessed the event, in order to provide such vivid detail of the angel’s words, and the reaction of all the participants. Luke reveals that he had a working knowledge of the Temple, and the rotation of the priests. He shares the words exchanged between the Angel and Zacharias, and even identifies the governor of Syria at the time of the first enrollment.

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This is the story of the three wise men and their camels: Erin, Nina, and Penda. The camels asked God to send them on a great adventure and boy did He ever! Saddle-up for the journey of a lifetime. A perfect Christian Christmas or Epiphany story for kids.

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This Bible lesson is based on the story The Three Camels. A story about the three wise men and their camels: Erin, Nina, and Penda. The camels asked God to send them on a great adventure and boy did He ever! Saddle-up for the journey of a lifetime. A perfect Christian Christmas or Epiphany story for kids.

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This Bible devotion is intended to be used with the children's Christmas story, Kirsi, The Little Lost Lamb. Kirsi was only a little lamb who desperately wanted to see baby Jesus. Facing friend and foe, she makes her way to Bethlehem and discovers that finally seeing Jesus was well worth the journey.

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Luke records in his Gospel the story of the shepherds visiting Jesus in a manger. This Christmas story is based on that meeting. Kirsi was only a little lamb who desperately wanted to see baby Jesus. Facing friend and foe, she makes her way to Bethlehem and discovers that finally seeing Jesus was well worth the journey.

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