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Matney Woodard Home - Home Page - Site Directory & Overview
About Us / Contact Us - Information on site and how to contact us
Affiliates - Information on our affiliate sites and how to support our ministry
Animal Parables Home - Animal Parables Home Page - Story Descriptions & Links
Animal Parable Bible Stories & Lessons
Humongous Hollis - A story of the fish that swallowed Jonah.
Animal Parable Bible Lesson - Knowing God's Will
Kirsi, The Little Lost Lamb - A Christmas story about a lamb that searches for Jesus.
Animal Parable Bible Lesson - Searching For Christ
The Gift That Kept Giving - How a boy, his cat and Jesus fed 5,000 people.
Animal Parable Bible Lesson - Giving
Hanna's Parade - Palm Sunday through the eyes of the donkey that carried Jesus.
Animal Parable Bible Lesson - Faith & Healing
Roxie's Big News - A little dove announces the return of Jesus Easter morning.
Animal Parable Bible Lesson - Spreading The Good News
The Three Camels - 3 camels carry their masters to worship Jesus.
Animal Parable Bible Lesson - Seeing The Whole Picture
The Three Camels - A play based on the Three Camels story.
Rockwell's Dream - God uses ravens to feed Elijah.
Animal Parable Bible Lesson - Trusting God For Our Needs
Samson & Dakota - God uses a dog to help Samson in prison.
Animal Parable Bible Lesson - Friendship
Tasha, The Catch Of The Day - Peter and the coin-carrying fish.
Animal Parable Bible Lesson - Faithfully serving God
Echo In Egypt - A cat befriends Joseph in prison.
Animal Parable Bible Lesson - Giving God Your Best
Animal Parables
Mette's Christmas Miracle - A Christmas story about a sparrow named Mette.
Duarte, The Good Shepherd - A story about a llama named Duarte.
Noah & Waverly - A Scissortail Love Story - God brings two birds together.
The Three Doves - Three birds learn the importance of faith in the name of Jesus.
Bible Stories Home - Bible Stories Home Page - Story descriptions & links
Old Testament Stories
Joshua and the Crumbling, Tumbling Walls of Jericho - A Bible story from Joshua 1-6.
Ruth - Seed of Love and Harvest of Blessing - A Bible story from the Book of Ruth.
David and Goliath & Some Giant-slaying Faith - A Bible story from 1 Samuel.
Jumpin' Jehoshaphat - Praise Works! - A Bible story from 2 Chronicles 20:1-30.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego & The Fiery Furnace - A Bible story from Daniel 3:1-30.
New Testament Stories
The Birth of John the Baptist - This story is based on the angel Gabriel's announcement to Zacharias of the birth of his son John.
Mary, Gabriel & the Birth of Jesus - This story is based on the angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary of the birth of God's son, Jesus.
Angels, Shepherds & Good Tidings of Great Joy - This story is based on the angel's announcement to the shepherds of the birth of God's son, Jesus, in Bethlehem.
The Prodigal Son - This parable is found in Luke and perfectly illustrates God's incredible capacity to love and forgive.
Simon's Net-breaking, Boat-sinking Catch of Fish - A Bible story from Luke 5:1-11.
The Centurion & Faith That Impresses God - A Bible story based on Jesus healing the Centurion's servant found in Matthew & Luke.
Palm Sunday Parade - A Bible story based on Palm Sunday.
Boris Kitty Home - Boris Kitty Home Page - Story Descriptions & Links
The Adoption Miracle - Boris meets Taffy and asks God for a home. NOW ILLUSTRATED! - Part 1, Part 2
The Perfect Home - God sends Boris to an even better home.
The Best Christmas Gift - Boris learns from an angel the true meaning of Christmas. NOW ILLUSTRATED! - Part 1, Part 2 NEW!
The Best Christmas Gift - A play based on the The Best Christmas Gift story.
A Friend For Boris - Boris prays for friends in his new neighborhood.
Montana's Home - Boris helps a homeless cat named Montana.
God Made Today - Boris and friends learn that every day is God's special day. NOW ILLUSTRATED! - Part 1, Part 2 NEW!
Our Buddy - A physically challenged dog moves to Whispering Pines.
A Whispering Pines Easter - Boris and his friends celebrate Easter. NOW ILLUSTRATED! - Part 1, Part 2 NEW!
The Terribly Scary Storm - Boris learns how to defeat fear. NOW ILLUSTRATED! - Part 1, Part 2
Black Cats Aren't Scary - Boris learns how to overcome hate. NOW ILLUSTRATED! - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Devil Got Your Tongue - Boris learns to speak in agreement to God's Word.
Boris In The Lyons' Den - Boris reunites Grandma Lyons with her dog.
The Cotton
Swab Invasion -
Boris' imagination gets him into trouble, but God and Pam our quick to
forgive him.
Yuki's Christmas Tree - Boris teaches a squirrel about Christmas and proves once again that there is nothing God can't do.
Forgiven And Forgotten - Montana learns that when God forgives him its for good. NOW ILLUSTRATED! - Part 1, Part 2 NEW!
Children's Songs - A collection of original lyrics sung to traditional melodies. Perfect for entertaining kids and praising God.
Christmas - Matney Woodard's Christmas page with links to stories, sermons and much more.
Easter - Matney Woodard's Easter page with links to stories, sermons and much more.
Gift Shop - Purchase the latest in Christian books and music and support our ministry.
Heaven's Art Gallery - A Christian short story about transforming life into a masterpiece worthy of display in Heaven's Art Gallery.
Heli, The Star of Bethlehem - A Christmas story about the star that appeared over Bethlehem to announce the birth of Jesus.
Heli, The Star of Bethlehem - A play based on Heli's story.
The Carpenter and the Little End Table - A Christian short story about the love between a creator and his creation.
Legal Info - Your guide to copyright information and usage permission for this site.
Matney Woodard Links - Links to Christian search engines and other sites of interest.
Poetry By Frances Matney Woodard - Original inspirational poetry written by Frances Matney Woodard.
Poetry By Harrison Woodard - Original inspirational poetry written by Harrison Woodard.
Sermon Notes Home - Sermon notes of Reverend HA Matney with biographical information.
Jesus' Conception of Himself and His Mission - Part 1 - Matthew 12:1-8, 29-30
Jesus' Conception of Himself and His Mission - Part 2 - John 7:31
Lessons - 1 Kings 2:1-10; Luke 23:38-47; John 19:26-27; 2 Timothy 4:1-8
Mother's Day - Judges 5:7
Nail Prints - John 20:24-29
Practical Christianity - Micah 6:8; Romans 14:17-18
Pressing On - Philippians 3:13-14
Promise Fulfilled - Acts 1:1-15; 2:1-5
The Christian's Hope - 1 John 3:3
The Gain of Godliness - Matthew 16:26; 1 Timothy 4:8 & 6:6
The Pharisee and the Publican - Luke 18:9-14
The Resurrection Morning - Matthew 28:5-7; Mark 16:6-7
The Search For Christ - Matthew 2:1-12
The Birth of Salvation - Luke 2:8-20
The Coming of Christ - Luke 2:7&11
Writing On The Wall - Daniel 5 & 6
NEW! - Page or material added in last 60 days.
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