Stand Firm – I Have Overcome The World

Jesus explained to His followers that there would be trouble in the world. The god of this world, satan, will do everything possible to undermine the Believer. But that wasn’t all Jesus said. He added, “But take heart. I have overcome the world!” That same victory belongs to Believers by faith. You can take the Word, read it, believe it, and stand on it, forcing the enemy to run in terror. It all starts with making Jesus the Lord of your life, leaning into the Word, and Standing Firm when the enemy attacks. (John 16:33)

Fear Not

There are literally hundreds of times in the Bible that you are commanded to “fear not.” The reason for this is simple. Fear is the opposite of faith. How can you be afraid when you know that the Creator of the universe has your back? How can you buckle under pressure when the Holy Spirit is inside of you? When you know that God’s Angels, His Ministering Spirits, are working night and day to protect you, why worry? With God’s Word, His wisdom, which is loaded with promises and examples of faith in action to inspire you, why should fear ever be an issue?

Standing Firm When All Around People Are Falling

The promises in the Bible are numerous. In Psalm 23, you are told that you can walk THROUGH the valley of death and that God ignores your enemies while He prepares a feast before them for you. In Psalm 91, thousands may fall all around you, but you are protected beneath His wings. Jesus tells you in Luke 10 that He has given you authority to overcome ALL the power of the enemy. And Paul tells you in Ephesians 6 that your shield of faith stops ALL the fiery darts of the evil one. (Psalm 23, 91, Luke 10:19, Ephesians 6)

13 Be alert and on your guard; stand firm in your faith (your conviction respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, keeping the trust and holy fervor born of faith and a part of it). Act like men and be courageous; grow in strength!
— 1 Corinthians 16:13 <AMP>

11 Put on God’s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.
— Ephesians 6:11 <AMP>

Having been through some awful persecution and demonic attacks, I had to learn the hard way that God’s Word works. You have to build your faith by reading the Word, speaking and praying it boldly. You have to reject the temptation and lies of the devil and resist him in the name of Jesus, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Renew your mind with the Word of God and enjoy God’s love, protection and Blessing.

Stand Firm Poem And Video Adaptation

This poem and video about Standing Firm, came during a difficult time. It seemed like all the world was crashing down around me. How could this be? I was a Believer! I had world overcoming faith! Or did I? If it appears the enemy is gaining ground, don’t worry or be afraid. Turn back to the Word. Speak faith, teach faith, live faith, especially when things are catawampus. God ALWAYS has the final Word. And that Word is VICTORY!

And if you don’t think you can last another day, stand firm. With God on your side, you always win!

Stand Firm
By Harrison Woodard


When the enemy surrounds you,

And there are no allies in sight.

When defeat looks certain,

Maybe, this very night,


Stand Firm.


When friends no longer care,

All your loved ones have gone away.

When your faith has been pushed to its limit,

And you can’t last another day.


Stand Firm.


When disease attacks your body,

And the doctors say there’s no way.

When life seems like it’s almost done,

And it hurts to even pray.


Stand Firm.


When Satan whispers in your ear,

“What’s the point in living?

Maybe you should end your life,

Don’t waste your time believing.”


Stand Firm.

God has delivered you!


Video Adaptation of the Christian Poem – Stand Firm

Another Post On Faith – Be It Unto Me According To Thy Word

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