An Animal Parable Bible Lesson – Three Wise Men

Ask the animals and they will teach you — Job 12:7 NLT

May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. — Psalm 20:4 NIV


This Bible devotion is intended to be used with the children’s story, The Three Camels. Jesus often taught people using parables. In the same way, these stories and devotions are written to teach Bible truths to kids, teens, and people of all ages. Read the concepts below and look up the Bible verses associated with each one. Use the faith building exercise to build your faith.

Based on the story of the three wise men, kings, or magi, this story is about their camels and the journey to see Jesus. You can read the real story in your Bible at Matthew 2:1-12.

An Epiphany Play has been adapted from this story.


The Three Camels – Key Concepts
A Parable About Seeing The Whole Picture

1. Erin, Nina, and Penda dreamed of traveling to faraway places. God often uses your dreams and desires to communicate His will for your life. If you are listening to God, He will align your dreams with His will. God was already at work preparing their journey before they even asked. He is such a wonderful God to those who love Him and trust Him!

2 Chronicles 25:9 – Nehemiah 2:20 – Proverbs 16:3

2. They asked God to send them on a great adventure and He did! If your prayers are filled with faith and in agreement with God’s will, they will always be answered. God loves to answer the prayers and grant the dreams of His children. But do you have the faith to believe He will answer? He is waiting for you to only believe.

Matthew 16:19 – Mark 11:23 – John 15:7 – John 16:24

3. The camels only saw the gift that their master was carrying. They each could only understand a part of the picture. How often people make judgments based on just a little information. But your relationship with God through Jesus gives you access to the source of all wisdom in the world. Utilize this resource and you will always make the right decision.

Ecclesiastes 2:26 – Isaiah 55:9 – 1 Corinthians 1:25-30 – Ephesians 1:17

The three wise men and their camels visit Jesus Matthew 2:1-12 Bible lesson

4. Erin is an Irish name that means “peace.” Nina is a Hebrew name that means “grace.” Penda is a Swahili name that means “love.” Each of their names reveals a part of God’s nature. When you place your trust in Jesus, you can experience all three in your life: God’s grace, love and peace.

Romans 15:13 – Philippians 4:7 – 1 Peter 5:14 – Jude 1:2

5. The wise men admired the Temple in Jerusalem. Men have built enormous churches throughout history. And they are wonderful to admire. But you must remember that God doesn’t live in buildings made by humans. He lives in the hearts of people who put their complete trust in Jesus. You are free to worship God whenever and wherever you are.

Isaiah 66:1-2 – Acts 7:48-49 – 1 Corinthians 3:16 – 1 John 4:15

The three Camels - A Christian children's story about the camels who carried the wise men to see Jesus. Matthew 2:1-12

6. The wise men were truly wise. They studied ancient prophecies and the stars. When God created a special star to announce Jesus’ birth, they recognized it and immediately traveled to pay homage to the new King. They were probably the only people in the world that understood the meaning of this special star. Just like the wise men, you should study the Bible and pray so that you will know God’s will and not miss any message from Him.

Joshua 1:8-9 – Psalm 119:105 – Colossians 1:9-10

7. They followed the star to Jerusalem, and then to King Herod. It was here that they took their focus off of God’s Sign – the star, and instead turned to men. The king’s advisors did correctly quote Scripture. Jesus WAS born in Bethlehem. But the magi’s journey, which started when the star first appeared, took a very long time. By the time they arrived in Jerusalem, Jesus and his parents had fulfilled everything the Law required and returned to their home in Nazareth.

Matthew 2:1-15 – Luke 2:1-52

The Wise Men visit King Herod. They followed a star to Jerusalem, and then got off track. When they left, they followed the star to Nazareth.

8. When the camels saw the modest house where Jesus lived, they were unimpressed and confused as to why they would stop at a place like that. After all, they had seen a large estate, a palace, and a great temple. What could this small house contain? But there was great treasure inside, God’s Son. Sometimes we look at people and decide that they are of little value. But God looks inside people at what is in their hearts. You need to try and do the same with the people you meet. Remember the old saying: “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” That person you think is not very special may become your best friend.

1 Samuel 16:7 – John 7:24 – Acts 1:24 – Acts 15:8

9. Each of the wise men carried their own unique gift. This was no accident. Nothing with God ever is. This was God revealing truths about His Son. Gold was a gift given to kings and Jesus is the Eternal King. Frankincense was given to represent the divine relationship that Jesus had with His Father. Myrrh was given to represent the sacrifice that Jesus would make to restore your fellowship with God.

Isaiah 9:6 – Matthew 3:17 – 1 Peter 1:18-19 – Revelation 1:5

The three wise men on their camels following a star to worship Jesus. Matthew 2:1-12

10. When God or an angel speaks, you need to listen and obey. The camels were told to follow the angel home. By sending them home by a different route, God was protecting Jesus from King Herod. If you are ever lost or uncertain, you can always trust God to lead you.

Isaiah 42:16 – Psalm 23:2 – Psalm 119:105 – Psalm 125:1-2 – Luke 1:79

An angel directs the camels home a different way. The three camels - a story about the Wise Men.

11. When the camels arrived at home, they continued praising God and sharing the wonderful things He had done for them. When your prayers are answered, you need to thank God and share your joy with others. This will build your faith as well as theirs.

Psalm 35:28 – John 16:24 – Ephesians 5:20 – Philippians 4:4

Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh - three of the gifts presented to Jesus in his home in Nazareth. Matthew 2:1-12

Conclusion – The Three Camels – The Three Wise Men Story

The theme of all the Animal Parables is based on Job 12:7 – Ask the animals and they will teach you. There is much to learn from the animal kingdom. When God commands them to do something, they immediately obey. But yet not a sparrow falls to the ground without His knowledge. This story of the camels is a work of fiction. Yet there are truths you can learn from reading this. And hopefully, you will gain a fresh perspective on the visit of the wise men.

One final, yet important note about this story. Nowhere in the text does it state that there were only three wise men. This is based on the gifts mentioned and tradition. For the purpose of this story, I limited it to three wise men and their camels. However, after years of study, I firmly believe that this was a large entourage of many Magi. These were the kingmakers of the ancient world. And only a visit of a small “army” would have disturbed both Herod AND Jerusalem. Visits to kings recorded throughout history list many gifts, some beyond value. For contemporary visits, the Magi brought all kinds of gifts, like expensive material, gilded weapons, precious stones, and spices. What would they bring to the KING of Kings? And would not all of the Magi want to make this journey, along with their servants, and of course adequate security. We need to set aside that Christmas card image of three old geezers with their little gift boxes near a manger. The Wise Men visited the Son of God, a young child in His house in Nazareth. And they presented Him their TREASURE, which included gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Click here for more on the Magi’s treasure.

Ask the animals and they will teach you - Job 12:7. Animal Parables teaches Biblical principles through the eyes of animals.

Putting It All Together

 God loves you and wants to grant your dreams and desires.

By reading the Bible, praying, attending church, and praising God, you will know His will for your life and not miss the opportunities to serve Him.

Look for the best in people, or better yet, see people the way God sees them.

Get to know everything about Jesus. Make him your very best friend for life!

Praise God continually, not just on Sunday morning. Share your joy and answered prayers with your friends and family.

Faith Building Exercise

Say these out loud every day until you believe them in your spirit. They will build your faith. Look up these verses and read them as they appear in your Bible. You can always trust God’s Word because He cannot lie.

God is love. God loves me. Love never fails!
(Deuteronomy 23:5; 1 Corinthians 13:8; 1 John 4:8)

God is with me wherever I go.
(Joshua 1:9; Isaiah 8:10)

I seek God and He gives me success.
(2 Chronicles 26:5)

God gives me the desires of my heart.
(Psalm 20:4; Psalm 37:4-7)

God fills me with love, joy and peace.
(Romans 5:5, 15:13)

God always guides me.
(Isaiah 58:11)

To learn more, click here: Christmas and Wise Men and Epiphany

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