An Animal Parable Christian Story For Christmas

Throughout Scandinavia at Christmas, the people place sheaves of grain, and now seeds out for the birds to eat. In Norway, the sheaf is known as a Julenek (Christmas Sheaf). It is called a Julkarve in Sweden. The custom, or variations of this, have spread throughout Scandinavia. The sheaves are often tied with colorful cloth and become part of Christmas decorations outside the home. Tradition suggests that by placing the sheaves outside to feed the birds, it would keep them out of the barn and away from the families supply of grain. And if the birds eat from your sheaf, it means a better harvest for the future.

My belief was that there was more to this story. So with this custom in mind, Mette’s Christmas Miracle was born. In my story, Mette is a young sparrow. During an extremely bad Norwegian Winter, her faith was rewarded and her flock saved. I truly hope you enjoy this story, and your family is Blessed by it. And don’t forget the birds at Christmas.

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Sparrow in the snow. Ask the birds and they will teach you Job 12:7 - Scandinavian Christmas custom feeding the birds - Julenek in Norway. Julkarve in Sweden.

Mette’s Christmas Miracle – A Christian Story For Kids

By Harrison Woodard

 A long time ago there was a flock of sparrows. They lived near a small farming village in Norway.

Just before Christmas it started snowing. For two whole days a great blizzard covered everything with snow, making it impossible for the birds to find food.

The flock began to worry.

“What are we going to do? With all this snow, we will never find anything to eat,” said Markus.

“Maybe we should have flown south with the other birds,” said Lina.

“We’ve had some tough Winters before and made it. We will survive this one as well,” said Jonas, one of the older sparrows.

Sparrows Winter Norway Christmas Christian story for kids.

Mette listened to the older birds discuss their situation. If Jonas was not worried, she wouldn’t worry either. She found a warm spot and fell asleep.

During the next two days, they had more snow, and the temperature continued to drop. The flock became even more concerned.

“I don’t understand. The weather has never been this bad for so long. I don’t know if we will make it,” said Jonas.

Now that Jonas was starting to worry, even Mette was concerned. Before she went to bed she asked God for help.

“Dear God, I know you will provide all we need. Thank you for protecting us,” prayed Mette.

Norwegian Christmas custom for the birds. Christian Christmas story for kids. Mette's Christmas Miracle

The next day the birds flew around the village. It was a dismal sight. The snow was everywhere, making it impossible to find anything to eat.

“Jonas, what will we do?” asked Markus.

“Will the snow ever go away?” asked Lina.

“I think we are in trouble. Even if there is no more snow, it may be weeks before we can find any food. The snow will be too deep. It will cover everything,” said Jonas.

All the birds were very sad. There didn’t seem to be any hope.

Winter in Norway, Mette's Christmas Miracle - A Christian Story For Kids about a little sparrow's faith.

Mette listened to everything the other birds said. As the youngest in her flock, she rarely would say anything. But she knew she had to say something.

“Don’t you believe God will take care of us?” asked Mette. “He has always given us everything we needed. Why wouldn’t He keep His promise now?”

The other birds admired Mette’s faith, but did not believe God could save them. All they could do was worry and complain about their current situation.

“Mette, God has many things He has to do. He can’t always save us. Sometimes it is up to us to save ourselves,” said Jonas.

The other birds agreed.

Mette thought about what Jonas said.

“God, that just doesn’t make any sense,” she prayed softly. “I know that you will supply everything we need. I am going to trust YOU and not the other sparrows.”

The next day was Christmas Eve. It snowed some more overnight and it was the coldest day of the month. There was no food to be found, and no reason for the flock to even leave their tree.

The sparrows gathered together to discuss their options.

“I don’t think I can last another day,” said Markus. “I’m very hungry.”

“Me too,” added Lina. “Isn’t there something we can do?”

“I am out of ideas,” said Jonas.

They had lost all hope.

Church in Norway decorated for Christmas. Mette and her flock of sparrows heard the Bells on Christmas Eve giving them hope.

Off in the village they could here Church bells ringing. The sparrows listened to the music. It was beautiful. For a brief moment, the flock forgot their trouble. After the bells stopped, the birds sat in silence.

And Mette said, “Did you hear the bells? This is Christmas Eve. The night God gave His Son. If He is willing to give His own son, He will certainly provide our food.”

The other sparrows wanted to believe, but all they could see was the snow. How could God help them?

“Markus, do you believe?” asked Mette.

Markus thought for a second, “I really want to believe.”

That night, Mette bowed her head and prayed, “God, thank you for giving Jesus to the world. I know that you love my flock and will provide everything we need.”

Mette found a warm spot in the tree and fell asleep.

It was another long and cold night.

The next morning, Markus was the first to wake up. He felt the warm sun on his feathers and took off on a short flight to stretch his wings.

The snow had stopped and it was a sunny Christmas morning. Markus flew over the village and was surprised by what he saw. He immediately flew back to the tree.

“Mette! Wake up! It’s a miracle!” shouted Markus. “Everyone, come quickly,”

Soon the whole flock was following Markus toward the village.

Julenek (Christmas Sheaf) A Scandinavian Christmas custom that is for the birds. Also, the foundation for a Christmas Christian Story For Kids

During the night, the villagers placed sheaves of wheat outside their homes. There was plenty of food for everyone. Barn doors, gables, and gateways throughout the village were decorated with grain. There would be plenty of food for all the birds.

“Just like you said Mette, God provides everything we need!” said Markus.

That day the sparrows celebrated Christmas by feasting on all the food they found. Never again would they ever doubt God’s love. His eyes truly are on the sparrows, and all who love Him.

And to this day, in villages throughout Scandinavia, people place food out for the birds at Christmas. No human knows exactly why this custom started. But God knows. He was responding to the faith of a little sparrow named Mette.


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 Christmas In Lapland Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee /

Christian Sheaf Meme – Origin unknown (Would love to acknowledge the photographer)

Sparrow Meme And Other Images courtesy of Harrison Woodard

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